
Quickstart to track your devices

The easiest way to get started is to use the Android App or download a program onto your laptop computer. FIND works with many other devices as well, including Electric Imps, Raspberry Pis, Particle Photons, and ESP8266 chips. There is more information about other devices here

1. Download the software

Android users: download the current version of the app. Sorry iPhone users but the Apple store prevents apps that access WiFi information, so I will be unable to release a iPhone version.


Computer users: you can download the current version of the fingerprinting program, available for Rasbperry Pi, OSX, Linux, and Windows.

2. Gather fingerprint data

First, to get started using FIND you will need to gather fingerprint data in your locations.

Android users: When you start up the app you will be asked for a username (enter whatever you want) and you’ll be assigned a unique group name. Simply click “Learn” and you’ll be prompted for a location name. After you enter a location, the app will connect to the server and then submit fingerprints.

Computer users: To start learning locations simply use ./fingerprint -e.

3. Track yourself

Once you’ve collected data in a few locations, you can track yourself.

Android users: Just press the “Track” button when you’re ready to track.

Computer users: Type in ./fingerprint to start tracking yourself.